Cemeteries and Headstones in Union County, PA, US

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 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Heinrich and Philomena Gross
Heinrich and Philomena Gross
Located  Latitude: 40.8818322, Longitude: -76.98903359999997  Henry "Henrich" Gross (d. 5 Aug 1842)
Phoebe Havice (d. 1837)
Heinrich and Philomena Gross
Heinrich and Philomena Gross
Located  Latitude: 40.8818322, Longitude: -76.98903359999997  Henry "Henrich" Gross (d. 5 Aug 1842)
Phoebe Havice (d. 1837)
Heinrich Gross
Heinrich Gross
Located  Latitude: 40.8818322, Longitude: -76.98903359999997  Henry "Henrich" Gross (d. 5 Aug 1842)
Philip Gross 1797-1879 and Elizabeth 1803-1893
Philip Gross 1797-1879 and Elizabeth 1803-1893
Located  Latitude: 40.8815671, Longitude: -76.98987610000002  Philip Gross (d. 18 Nov 1879)
Elizabeth Schoch (d. 11 Dec 1893)
Philomena Havice Gross
Philomena Havice Gross
Located  Latitude: 40.8818322, Longitude: -76.98903359999997  Phoebe Havice (d. 1837)

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